File FORTX.DC (file description)

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               FF       OO    OO RR    RR    TT     XX  XX
               FF       OO    OO RR    RR    TT      XXXX
               FFFFFF   OO    OO RRRRRRR     TT       XX
               FF       OO    OO RR  RR      TT      XXXX
               FF       OO    OO RR   RR     TT     XX  XX
               FF        OOOOOO  RR    RR    TT    XX    XX

                           FORTRAN ( Extended )

                     An Improved and Extended version
                     of the OS/8 FORTRAN II compiler.

                               Version 2.0C

                               Developed by:

                              George Gonzalez
                           Hearing Research Lab
                          University of Minnesota

                               October 1978

                            Revised - June 1982

                     (C) 1977 University of Minnesota

    This  document  describes the salient differences between FORTX and

    the OS/8 Fortran II compiler. It assumes  the  reader  is  familiar

    with  the  FORTRAN  IV language and with OS/8 Fortran II. See 'OS/8

    Handbook', Chapter 7 for a  description  of  OS/8  Fortran  II  and

    Chapter 8 for FORTRAN IV, or see the newer 'OS/8 Language Reference

    Manual' sections for Fortran II and Fortran IV.

    FORTX : Extended FORT II Compiler     [ Version 2.0C ]    13-JUN-82


    This writeup describes 'FORTX', an enhanced and improved version of
    the  DEC  OS/8  Fortran  II compiler (FORT). The extensions include
    most of the useful features of Fortran IV  (1977)  which  could  be
    added  within  the  limitations  of  the  OS/8 Fortran II compiler,
    assembler, and loader. They include:

    Commands:       DATA
                    Logical and Block IF Statements
                    Structured DO loops
                    WHILE Statement
                    INTEGER, LOGICAL, REAL Statements
    Operators:      .LT. .GT. .LE. .GE. .EQ. .NE. .AND. .OR. .NOT.
    Constants:      Logical, Hollerith, quoted, ASCII, and octal

            ( Plus many miscellaneous improvements described below )

    The compiler remains downward-compatible  with  all  standard  OS/8
    Fortran II programs, i.e. any standard OS/8 Fortran II program will
    compile  correctly  under  FORTX,  with  one  minor  exception (see
    Strings). Users who have made  use  of  some  of  the  undocumented
    features  of  OS/8  Fortran II may have to make some minor changes.
    All known 'incompatibilities' of this sort are flagged by  '**'  in
    this document.

    This document has the following sections:

            Enhancements to Statements and New Features
            Improvements in Code Generation
            Miscellaneous Improvements
            FORTX vs. FORTRAN IV
            Compiler Options
            Compiler Error Messages
            Run-time Error Checking
            FORTX Modification History Summary
            Known Bugs


    FORTX : Extended FORT II Compiler     [ Version 2.0C ]    13-JUN-82

    Multiple Sections.

    The  FORTX  compiler  can handle multiple SUBROUTINEs and FUNCTIONs
    during a single compilation. For example, a main program  can  have
    appended to it one or more subroutines or functions. However, these
    sections  all  use the same symbol table (can't have everything..).
    Therefore, a variable of the same name in two or more routines uses
    the same physical storage location. Be careful.

    Each routine must end with an END statement. A single object module
    is created which cannot be separated  by  the  LIBSET  module  into
    separate library modules (it is treated as one module with multiple
    entry points).

    Statement Ordering.

            !        COMMON         !       SUBROUTINE      !
            !       DIMENSION       !        FUNCTION       !
            !        INTEGER        !    INTEGER FUNCTION   !
            !        LOGICAL        !    LOGICAL FUNCTION   !
            !         REAL          !     REAL FUNCTION     !
            !      EQUIVALENCE      !                       !
            !                      DATA                     !
            !             "Executable Statements"           !
            !                      END                      !

    Note  1:  Only  one SUBROUTINE or FUNCTION statement is allowed per
    section. It can be anywhere before the  first  DATA  or  executable
    statement.  This  enables  users  to  have a source file containing
    common and be able to compile it with a subroutine  without  having
    to  combine  the  two  sources  to  get  the SUBROUTINE or FUNCTION
    statement first.

    Note 2:  A  given  variable  must  be  referenced  by  decalarative
    statements in the following order:

            First:  COMMON
            Third:  EQUIVALENCE

    Some examples of improper statement ordering are:

            DIMENSION  VAR(3)               INTEGER VAR
            EQUIVALENCE (VAR,WORD)          COMMON  VAR
            INTEGER    WORD

    If COMMON is not declared first the order in which COMMON variables
    are  allocated  may not match the order in which they were declared
    (this is a restriction of the original Fortran II compiler).


    FORTX : Extended FORT II Compiler     [ Version 2.0C ]    13-JUN-82

    Violations of  the  above  ordering  rules  will  produce  'INVALID


    A comment may be placed on any line by  preceding  it  with  an  at
    sign.  The compiler will ignore any text on a line after an at sign

            IF ( CHAR .EQ. "$" ) RETURN     @ End of file, return

    Also, any line with a '*' in columm 1 is treated as a comment.


    A plus  sign  (+)  in  column  1  indicates  that  the  line  is  a
    continuation of the previous line. Columns 1-6 are then ignored and
    the processing continues with column 7.

    Character strings.

    Character  strings may be denoted in 'H' format or in quoted string
    form. Examples:

            16HTHIS IS A STRING
            'THIS IS A STRING, TOO'

    Strings of 1 or 2 characters are treated as integer  constants  and
    may appear anywhere a integer is allowed:

            MINUS = 1H-
            MULT = '*'

    Strings of 3 to 6 characters are treated as real constants:

            HELLO = 5HHELLO
            BYE   = 'BYE'

    Strings  longer than 6 characters are a special case. They may only
    appear as an actual parameter. As an actual  parameter  the  string
    appears  to  the  calling  routine as an array of packed (A2 or A6)
    characters, terminated by a zero character ('@'):


    **Note that FORTX does not zero-fill strings out  to  6  characters
    like  FORTRAN  II.  Routines that expect 6-character strings ( like
    IOPEN/OOPEN/CHAIN ) should be called with 6-character strings:

    Not:    CALL CHAIN('A')         ( FORTRAN II padded to 'A@@@@@' )
    But:    CALL CHAIN('A@@@@@')


    FORTX : Extended FORT II Compiler     [ Version 2.0C ]    13-JUN-82

    **Also, FORTX strings of 1 or 2 characters  are  of  type  INTEGER,
    whereas  FORTRAN  II  strings  are  all of type REAL. The temporary
    solution is to fill strings to 6 characters  with  zero  characters

    ASCII constants.

    A  full  ASCII character may be denoted by placing the character in
    quotation (") marks.  All  characters  have  the  parity  bit  set.

            Character:      "A"     "a"     "Z"     "z"
            Octal value:    301     341     332     372

    Note  that  ASCII  characters  can only be input and output through
    user-written routines, as OS/8 Fortran II uses 6-bit characters for
    all user-level Input-Output.

    Octal constants.

    An integer octal constant can be specified by following the  number
    by the letter 'B'. Up to four octal digits may be specified:

            DATA ( MASK(I), I=1,4) / 0001B, 0010B, 0100B, 1000B /
            BELL = 207B

    Using  non-octal  digits (8 or 9) with a 'B' suffix is not detected
    as an error and results in an undefined value for the constant. The
    constant 4000B cannot be used.

    Logical constants.

    The logical  constants  of  'true'  and  'false'  are  symbolically
    represented as:
                    .TRUE.  and     .FALSE.

    The  internal representation of false is 12 '0' bits, an integer 0.
    True is represented as 12 '1' bits, an integer -1.

    Logical operators.

    The logical operators are:

            .AND.           .OR.            .NOT.

    .AND. and .OR.  perform  the  logical  product  and  sum  of  their
    arguments  as  represented  in  the  table below. .NOT. returns the
    logical negation of its one argument:


    FORTX : Extended FORT II Compiler     [ Version 2.0C ]    13-JUN-82

            X       Y    X .OR. Y       X .AND. Y       .NOT. X
            F       F       F               F               T
            F       T       T               F               T
            T       F       T               F               F
            T       T       T               T               F

    The  logical  operators  can  also  be  used  to  perform   Boolean
    operations  on  integers.  The  operators will perform 12-bit .AND.
    .OR. and .NOT. operations:

            CHAR = CHAR .AND. 177B          @ Ignore parity bit
            WORD = HICHAR .OR. LOWCHAR      @ Combine characters

    Logical variables.

    A logical variable is a variable of type LOGICAL,  as  declared  by
    the  LOGICAL  statement.  The  only  operations  defined on logical
    variables are:

    Logical assignment:     MONDAY = .TRUE.
    Logical operations:     WEEKDY = (.NOT. SUNDAY) .AND. (.NOT. SATDY)
    Logical comparison:     IF ( WEEKDY ) WAKEUP = 7.00

    Relational operators.

    The standard Fortran IV relational operators are implemented:

            Relation           Operator symbol
            --------           ---------------

            Equal                   .EQ.
            Not equal               .NE.
            Greater than            .GT.
            Less than               .LT.
            Greater or equal        .GE.
            Less or equal           .LE.

    The relational operators take two integer or two real operands  and
    return a LOGICAL result:

            FEVER = TEMP .GT. 98.6
            GENIUS = IQ .GT. 140

    The  relational  and  logical  operators,  and  the  exponentiation
    operator  have  an alternate one-character representation, which is
    non-standard but have the same effect as the standard symbols.  The
    operators,  their  alternate  symbols,  and  their  precedence  are
    summarized below:


    FORTX : Extended FORT II Compiler     [ Version 2.0C ]    13-JUN-82

            Operator    Alternate       Precedence
            --------    ---------       ----------
               **           ^               7       Highest

             unary -                        6
              .NOT.         \               6

               *                            5
               /                            5

               +                            4
               -                            4

              .EQ.          :               3
              .NE.          #               3
              .LT.          <               3
              .GT.          >               3
              .LE.          $               3
              .GE.          %               3

              .AND.         &               2
              .OR.          !               2

    Declarative statements.

    The  variable declaration statements are used to declare a variable
    or function to be of a different type than is normally  implied  by
    the  variable  name.  The  statement  is  followed  by  a  list  of
    variables,  arrays,  and  function  names separated by commas. This
    list is herein called a D-list.

    Example D-lists:
            X, Y, Z                 [ scalar variables ]
            Q(10), W(5,5)           [ arrays ]
            SINH, COSH, TANH        [ external function names ]
            X, Q(10), W(5,5)        [ combination ]

        INTEGER Statement

            INTEGER D-list

    The INTEGER statement declares the items in the  D-list  to  be  of
    type  integer, independent of their implicit type determined by the
    first character of their name. An array may be  dimensioned  in  an
    INTEGER statement or a separate DIMENSION statement, but not both.

        REAL Statement

            REAL D-list

    The  REAL  statement declares the items in the D-list to be of type


    FORTX : Extended FORT II Compiler     [ Version 2.0C ]    13-JUN-82

        LOGICAL Statement

            LOGICAL D-list

    The LOGICAL statement declares the items in the  D-list  to  be  of
    type LOGICAL.

        FUNCTION Statement

    The  word  FUNCTION can be optionally prefixed by the word INTEGER,
    LOGICAL, or REAL to declare the function as that type.

    DATA Statement.

    The DATA statement assigns initial values to variables and arrays:

            DATA var1,..., varn/val1,...,valn/, .etc..

    The list of variables may consist of simple variables, array names,
    array  elements,  or  implied  array  sections.  For  every  simple
    variable or array element there must be a value of the same type:

            DATA X / 5.0 /
            DATA Z(5) / 9.9 /

    For every array name there must be enough values to fill the array,
    with the first subscript varying the fastest:

            DIMENSION LIST(5)
            DATA LIST / 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 /
            DIMENSION CHART(3,3)
            DATA CHART / 11, 21, 31, 12, 22, 32, 13, 23, 33 /

    For implied array sections there must be enough values to fill  the
    specified section:

            DIMENSION X(10)
            DATA (X(I),I=1,4) / 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 /

    A repeat factor can be used to set many elements of an array to the
    same value. The repeat factor is an integer and a '*' preceding the
    value to be repeated:

            INTEGER BIG(1000)
            DATA BIG / 500*1111, 500*1234 /

    The  type  of  value  must  match the type of the variable. However
    character strings may be stored into any type of variable, up to  2
    characters per integer, 6 characters per real variable:

            REAL STRING(2)


    FORTX : Extended FORT II Compiler     [ Version 2.0C ]    13-JUN-82

            DATA STRING / 6HABCDEF, 'GHIJKL' /

    Variables  in  COMMON,  EQUIVALENCE, or formal parameters cannot be
    preset by a DATA statement. The  DATA  statement  requires  12K  at
    compile-time. If the system has only 8K, then DATA is treated as an
    'INVALID   STATEMENT'.  Once  compiled,  programs  using  the  DATA
    statement do not have this restriction.

    Logical IF statement.

    The  logical  IF  statement  conditionally  executes  one   Fortran

            IF ( condition ) statement

    'statement' is executed only if 'condition' is TRUE.

            IF ( I .LT. 1000 ) I = I + 1
            IF ( TEMP .GT. 98.6 ) CALL DOCTOR
            IF ( DELTA .LT. 0.00001 ) RETURN
            IF ( DAY .EQ. SAT  .OR.  DAY .EQ. SUN ) WEEKEND = .TRUE.

    'statement'  cannot  be a declarative statement or Block IF, DO, or
    WHILE statement. It cannot have a statement number.

    Block IF Statement.

    The Block IF statement is used to execute a block of statements  if
    a given condition is true. The block of statements executed is from
    the  statement  following  the  IF  up  to  the corresponding ENDIF

            IF ( X > MAX ) THEN     @ Swap Variables
                    TEMP = X
                    X = MAX
                    MAX = TEMP

    The indenting of the statements is  optional,  but  recommended  to
    clearly show the block of controlled statements.

    An  optional  ELSE statement introduces a block of statements to be
    executed if the condition is false:

            IF ( SPEED < 50 ) THEN
                    RPM = 3000.0
                    GEAR = 3
                    RPM = 4000.0
                    GEAR = 4

    Another alternative is the ELSE IF statement. It continues the flow


    FORTX : Extended FORT II Compiler     [ Version 2.0C ]    13-JUN-82

    of  the  current  level  IF  statement  and  does  not  require  an
    additional ENDIF  statement  to  end  the  new  IF  condition.  For
    example, the following two routines execute identically:

            IF (ICH .EQ. "A") THEN          IF (ICH .EQ. "A") THEN
                CALL OPTNA                      CALL OPTNA
            ELSE                            ELSE IF (ICH .EQ. "B") THEN
                IF (ICH .EQ. "B") THEN          CALL OPTNB
                    CALL OPTNB              ELSE
                ELSE                            CALL ERROR
                    CALL ERROR              ENDIF

    Block  IF's may be nested 16 levels deep. The word 'THEN' after the
    if condition is optional.

    WHILE Statement.

    The WHILE statement is used along with the  ENDWHILE  statement  to
    delimit  a  block  of  statements to be repeatedly executed while a
    given condition is true:

            WHILE ( CHAR .NE. '$' )     @ SEARCH FOR '$'
                    I = I + 1
                    CHAR = LINE(I)

    If the condition is initially false, the block of statements is not
    executed at all.

    Structured DO.

    The structured DO loop works like a standard DO  loop,  but  it  is
    terminated  by a ENDDO statement instead of by a specific statement

            DO ? I = 1, 10
                    X(I) = X(I) + Y(I)

    The '?'  is  required  to  inform  the  compiler  that  this  is  a
    structured DO loop.


    FORTX : Extended FORT II Compiler     [ Version 2.0C ]    13-JUN-82

    Improvements in Code Generation.

    The  index  variable in a computed GO TO is always checked to be in
    the range of 1 to J, where J is the number of statement  labels  in
    the  statement. If the index is in range, the normal branch occurs.
    If it is  out  of  range,  the  program  continues  with  the  next
    sequential statement. The OS/8 Fortran II generated code would jump
    into undefined regions, never to return.

    The  code  generated  for  accessing  arguments  of  a  function or
    subroutine is much faster and smaller  than  the  OS/8  Fortran  II
    compiler  code.  The amount of code generated is independent of the
    number of arguments.

    If 16K is available at compile-time,  the  compiler  stores  FORMAT
    statements  in  a  contiguous  area  of  memory. This allows FORMAT
    statements to be of any length (not limited to 248 characters)  and
    they  do  not  waste memory due to paging. Up to 20% less memory is
    used by programs with many long FORMAT statements.

    The code generated for doing integer subtraction and unary minus is
    usually shorter.

    ** Branching to a FORMAT statement ( a guaranteed disaster in  OS/8
    Fortran  II  ) is diagnosed. The SABR assembler will flag any jumps
    to a FORMAT as 'undefined', and abort the assembly.

    A subprogram argument used as a DO-loop index works properly.  OS/8
    Fortran  II  would generate incorrect code if the DO-loop increment
    was 1.

    Subroutines and functions do not contain an unreachable call to the
    OPEN routine.

    Miscellaneous Improvements.

    All compiler error messages now print the sequential line number of
    the erroneous line.

    If 12K is available at compilation-time then duplicate or undefined
    statement  numbers  are  diagnosed  by  the  compiler  instead   of
    generating a cryptic error message late in SABR assembly.

    The compiler symbol table has been expanded about 20%, allowing the
    compilation of programs with more symbols.

    A  RETURN  statement  in  a  main  program acts as a STOP statement
    instead of causing a COMPILER MALFUNCTION message.

    A function need not set its returned variable.

    Specifing no input file now  repeats  the  '*'  prompt  instead  of
    generating a spurious error message.


    FORTX : Extended FORT II Compiler     [ Version 2.0C ]    13-JUN-82

    Missing commas in implied-DO loops are diagnosed.

    A  non-scalar  variable  or  an  expression  on  a computed GOTO is

    The format array in a read/write statement may be of type real.

    A labeled GOTO statement to the next line generates correct code.

    A overly-complex  expression  generates  a  diagnostic  instead  of
    crashing the compiler and perhaps the system.

    Placing a variable in COMMON more than once is diagnosed.

    If  16K  is  available  at compilation time, then FORMAT statements
    without statement numbers are diagnosed.

    Most continuation processing restrictions were eased (most  notably
    those involving CALL and IF statements).


    The  size of internal compiler tables sets some numerical limits on
    FORTX programs. These limits are identical to or  higher  than  the
    OS/8 Fortran II limits.

    A  maximum of 265 different variable names, floating constants, 3-6
    character strings, and arrays.

    A maximum of 128 strings longer than 6 characters, except  in  DATA
    statements, where there is no limit on the number of strings.

    A maximum string length of 247 characters.

    A maximum of 248 characters in one FORMAT statement.
    (No compiler limit if 16K is available to the compiler.)

    A maximum of 21 nested Do loops, block IF's and WHILE's.

    A maximum of 125 labels in a computed GOTO statement.

    No  more  than  62 actual parameters in a CALL or function argument

    A maximum of 63 unclosed left parentheses at any one time.


    FORTX : Extended FORT II Compiler     [ Version 2.0C ]    13-JUN-82


    FORTX does not have the following FORTRAN IV features:

    1)      No DOUBLE PRECISION or COMPLEX types.
    2)      No ASSIGN # TO var statement.
    3)      No ASSIGNed GO-TO statement.
    4)      No L,T,P,G,D format specs.
    5)      No '0' or '+' format controls.
    6)      No binary or random-access Input/Output.
    8)      No labeled or numbered COMMON.
    9)      No BLOCK DATA subprograms.
    10)     No EXTERNAL statement or routine name as a parameter.
    11)     No multiple equivalencing.
    12)     No 3-dimensional arrays.
    13)     No variable dimensions in subprograms.
    14)     No arithmetic statement functions.
    15)     No overlays (except thru CHAIN).


    FORTX : Extended FORT II Compiler     [ Version 2.0C ]    13-JUN-82

    Compiler Options.

     /C   Disables array bounds checking.

     /D   Enables 'debug' mode. Fortran statements  with  'C$'  in  the
         first two columms are treated as compilable statements instead
         of   as   comments.   This   feature  allows  the  conditional
         compilation of certain  statements  for  debugging,  or  other

     /T   Disables error traceback code.

     /V   Prints  the  current  version  number  and patch level of the
         FORTX compiler.

    Compiler Error Messages.

    In addition to the  standard  set  of  FORTRAN  II  compiler  error
    messages, FORTX includes the following error messages:

    REDECLARATION           A variable was declared twice.

    STRING TOO LONG         Hollerith constant exceeded 256 characters.

    STRING TOO SHORT        The end of statement was found before the
                            Hollerith character count was satisfied.

    UNBALANCED QUOTES       The end of statement was found before the
                            quote terminating the string was found.

    TOO MANY STRINGS        Over 128 long strings were encountered.

    INVALID DATA STATEMENT  Syntax error in DATA statement, or
                            incompatible types.

    DATA TABLE OVERFLOW     Too much data is being defined.

                            The statements were not ordered properly.
                            See 'Statement Ordering' section.

    IMPROPER NESTING        Improperly nested DO, WHILE, or IF's.

    TOO MUCH NESTING        More than 21 nested DO, WHILE, or IF's.

    MISSING ENDS            At least one IF, WHILE, or DO did not
                            have its corresponding closing ENDIF,
                            ENDWHILE, ENDDO, or Statement #.




    FORTX : Extended FORT II Compiler     [ Version 2.0C ]    13-JUN-82

    ARRAYS TOO LARGE        Storage requirements exceeded.

    COMPILER TABLE OVERFLOW Too many statement numbers, symbols,
                            or constants.

    Run-time Error Checking.

                              Error Traceback

    FORTX  normally  emits  extra  instructions to provide a meaningful
    error traceback in case an error is detected at program  run  time.
    These  extra instructions allow a helper program (DIAG) to diagnose
    the error and pinpoint the exact routine and line number where  the
    error  occurred.  For  example, the program below will generate the
    following output:

    160     X = 0.0
            CALL BADDY(X)

            DO 105 I = 1,10
    105     Z = ALOG(Z) / 3.14159


    This error traceback is very handy when debugging a program, but  a
    price  is paid for the convenience as the traceback code makes most
    compiled programs about 10%  longer  than  they  would  be  without
    traceback. Specifying the /T option to the compiler instructs it to
    not  generate instructions for a full error traceback. If the above
    program was compiled with  the  /T  switch  then  the  above  error
    message would be less useful, as the exact line number of the error
    would  not  be  available  (DIAG prints 0 if it can't determine the
    correct line number).


    The /T option should only be specified  if  the  program  will  not
    otherwise fit into memory.

                           Array bounds checking

    The  FORTX  compiler normally generates extra instructions to check
    at program run-time that all array references (with subscripts) are
    within the dimensioned bounds of the array. If the array bounds are
    exceeded, a fatal error is generated:



    FORTX : Extended FORT II Compiler     [ Version 2.0C ]    13-JUN-82

    Or if DIAG is available:


    In unusual cases it might be desireable to  not  check  subscripts.
    Compiling  with  the  /C  option  turns  off  all  subscript  range
    checking.  This  will  shrink  the  size of the compiled program by
    about 5% but makes no measureable difference in program speed.


    FORTX : Extended FORT II Compiler     [ Version 2.0C ]    13-JUN-82

    FORTX Modification History Summary.

    V1.2A   Fixed optimizer bug in IF statement.
    V1.2B   Compute memory size if not set by system.
    V1.2C   Fixed DO nesting problem.
    V1.2D   Fixed COMMON declaration problem.
    V1.2E   Fixed /Z option for SPL compatiblity.
            Get around SABR problem by punching CPAGE 2 before punching
    V1.2F   Only 6-bit  character  set  legal  except  in  8-bit  ASCII
                constant and in comments.
            Fixed statement number on WHILE problem.
            More thorough checking of statement ordering.
    V1.2G   Equivalenced  variables block reservation code had bug that
                sometimes caused insufficient room to be reserved  thus
                causing destruction of following data or code.
            Diagnose non-dimensioned array reference (function) on left
                side of assignment statement.
            Subroutines no longer generate a symbol named "\".
            Fixed   traceback  not  finding  routine  name  problem  by
                ensuring that name text is always on same page as entry
            Let SABR run a  bit  more  efficiently  by  punching  DUMMY
                statements and all storage cells after LAP.
    V2.0    Major restructuring of FORTX compiler with heavier usage of
            Multiple sections implemented.
            Up to 62 parameters now allowed in SUBROUTINE or FUNCTION.
            Diagnose non-scalar variable on computed GOTO.
            "+" in column 1 is continuation.
            SUBROUTINE  and  FUNCTION  are no longer required to be the
                first statement.
            Get rid of  traceback  code  generated  for  non-executable
            Get  around SABR problem by generating integer constants in
                storage rather than using literals on ARG statements in
                function and subroutine calls (SABR doesn't  check  for
                enough room for ARG literals).
    V2.0A   Diagnose CALL of dimensioned variable.
            Fixed problem with multiple subroutines.
    V2.0B   Implement ELSE IF statement.
            Allow statement number on ENDDO and ENDWHILE.
            Fix  problem with DIMENSION statement in additional section
                clobbering floating point constant table.
            Fix some continuation problems.
            Don't generate code to subtract floating point 0.0 constant
                in logical comparison statement.
    V2.0C   Fixed  multiple  FUNCTIONs  clobbering  function   variable


    FORTX : Extended FORT II Compiler     [ Version 2.0C ]    13-JUN-82

    Known Bugs.

    The same variable in more than one DATA statement is not diagnosed.
    Only the first definition applies.

    A type REAL value used as a subscript is not diagnosed.

    Compiler errors should abort BATCH.

    Assignment  to  a non-dimensioned array element still not diagnosed
    (generates a call to a function).

    A source statement containing just blanks or TABs should be ignored
    instead of generating INVALID STATEMENT.

    The unit  number  on  a  WRITE  or  READ  statement  cannot  be  an
    expression.   Neither  unit  number  nor  format  variable  can  be
    parameters from the subroutine or function statement.

    If  the  conditionally  executed  statement  on  a  structured   IF
    statement  is continued to the next line, the last character on the
    line must be a non-alphanumeric character. Otherwise  the  part  of
    the statement that is on the same line as the IF is lost.


    FORTX : Extended FORT II Compiler     [ Version 2.0C ]    13-JUN-82


    Installing  FORTX  in  the system consists of copying the compiler,
    its library, and its error diagnosis program to device SYS: .  This
    can  be  done  by placing the FORTX distribution floppy in RX01 and


    FORTX is now installed. To run  it,  follow  the  instructions  for
    running  OS/8  Fortran II given in the OS/8 Handbook. The following
    options are defined in addition to the standard Fortran II and SABR

         Option     Action
         ------     ------

            /C      Turn off array bounds checking.
            /D      Compile statements with C$ in cols. 1 and 2.
            /T      Turn off error traceback generation.
            /V      Print the version number of FORTX.

    Installation Notes

    If the system uses a  nonstandard  LIB8.RL  then  do  not  use  the
    LIB8.RL  from  the  distribution  floppy, but use LIBSET to add the
    files ERROR.RL and SUBS.RL to the  end  of  your  special  library.
    These  routines  are  needed to properly do run-time error checking
    and traceback.

    DIAG.SV should remain on the system device as it  is  automatically
    called  to  diagnose  FORTRAN run-time errors. If DIAG.SV is not on
    SYS: then the standard cryptic error message will be generated.

    Support Note

    Problems with FORTX should be reported to:

            2630 UNIVERSITY AVENUE S.E.
            MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. 55414

    All reasonable problems will be investigated.


Feel free to contact me, David Gesswein with any questions, comments on the web site, or if you have related equipment, documentation, software etc. you are willing to part with.  I am interested in anything PDP-8 related, computers, peripherals used with them, DEC or third party, or documentation. 

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